
Puzzled by the intricacies of blogging!

A few days ago, I decided to change the template for this blog and I thought that it would be a short process. However, as you may have realised, it seems to take me ages. First, the navigation bar disappeared and I could not find any answers on how to put it back. Eventually while I was skimming through comments of other bloggers, some helpful soul told us to delete the 'don't appear' implicit htlm code and thankfully I could manage that! In this new template, I was attracted by the slideshow, however the format of my pictures is different!. Last night, I thought that I'd crack it, I found this website called www. wowslider.com, downloaded it. So this is where I am now..If you are  IT-minded and you can help, let me know.

It is a blessing to be on holidays! Saying that Steven is not on holidays yet and this week Cam is doing an internship, Imogen has been working in the tea-room. In spite of that, we have managed to spend quality time and see our friends. We are getting ready to go to France on Sunday, Valras plage precisely. Steven tells me that yesterday the temperature there was 38 degree Celsius so I should not forget to take sun cream lotions, a hat (I am the only one to need one!) and mosquito cream!
Not sure that I will be able to post again. Have a blessed August month and keep us in your prayers. Your sister in Christ. N.

1 comment:

Honeycombs said...

Glad you managed to get the template worked out,it always takes me forever if I change something. Hope you're enjoying he hols Nikki,have a great time in France. Blessings, Jean x