Prayer wall

How to use the prayer wall.
1. Post your prayer in the comment section.
2. If you wish, spend time to pray for others.We are joining you in your prayers.
My prayer tonight
Father, will you change our hearts of stone in hearts of flesh,
open our eyes so that they see your beautiful creation, 
your amazing love,
your smiles
will you help us to love our families better, 
will you stop us from judging others,
will you drag us to help others
will you open our mouth to speak your Word to the lost
will you change our indifferent heart into your heart of shepherd 
that we may help those who don't know your love
 to be touched by  your Holy Spirit
I ask in your mighty name, Jesus

My prayer tonight

Our Father in heaven, 
I pray that you protect all people in Yemen 
 and give peace in the area, 
wisdom to all the leaders involved. 

Have mercy Lord, 
and anoint them with your Holy Spirit,
 speak to them o gracious Lord 

I ask you that other countries send 
humanitarian help very quickly 
and that nobody stops help 
from coming to those who need it. 

 I pray that no leader interferes
 for their own interest 
but think of the good of the people there. 

I ask you Father in the mighty name 
of our Saviour and King 


18 March 2014

Father, we thank you for being you, just, patient, full of compassion, love and care, for us. Help us walk on the narrow path, our eyes focused on Jesus, our Saviour and redeemer. Help us listen to your voice and to make time for you in our busy lives. Give us a heart and mind to look after others who are struggling far away from you. Let our ears listen to their pains and sorrows. Help us to be humble and serve others. We ask you in the name of Jesus. Amen

22 August 2013

'Twice a day I knelt down and talked to God, always very thoughtful not to forget to give thanks first before I asked God for help, protection and other gifts;...This writer said there was nothing wrong with a formal prayer but Christ longed for more than that! 

She likened communication with Jesus to a telephone conversation - we on one end, he listening on the other. But the usual prayers of Christians were monologues, she said. We would say our piece, finish with Amen and slam the receiver down. Shouldn't we stop long enough to listen? Wouldn't Christ talk back to us if we waited for an answer?..She quoted Scripture texts such as 'My sheep hear my voice' ..One sentence, however hammered into my mind above everything else and I repeated it over and over until tears flowed and I couldn't see the pages: 'Jesus and I are friends!
How simple, how  beautiful, how unbelievable'

Hansi, captive of the swastika, by Maria Anne Hirschmann, p188-189

23 July 2013

Dear family and friends
May the Lord protect you and bless you in abundance during this summer. In Jesus-Christ we ask. Amen

05. Feb.2013
Prayer of surrender

In the name of Jesus, I am now willing to place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect will for my life. From this moment on, I will choose to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life, and will allow You to lead and direct my life in the direction that You will want it to go in.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Jesus.
Thank You Holy Spirit.”

By being willing to fully surrender your entire life to the Lord – not only will you find what you were created to be and exactly what your true, divine destiny is going to be in this life – but you will also find a new sense of freedom and liberty that you never knew could exist in a world where many people are constantly trying to control one another. 
Read more:


Daniel's prayer
Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.

James 5:16

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Pauline, my dear sister-in-law bought me for my birthday this book: A book of prayer by Stormie Omartian and  I have started to read it tonight. It is a real gem and I thoroughly recommend it. Blessings. 

Tonight, we read the following prayer together: Lord, lift me out of my past..Help me to forgive what need to be forgiven...Release me from the past so I can move out of it and into the future You have for me' In the name of Jesus-Christ our saviour, we ask. Amen A book of prayer by Stormie Omartian. 

Loving God and Father, we praye for the Jubilee Mission and ask that you move mightily by Your Spirit and touch the hearts and lives of all who participate that the name and work of Jesus be honoured and glorified. We ask this in His name, Amen

Prayer Pointers for our Jubilee Mission
  • That the name of Jesus is honoured, the message of salvation and hope are clearly explained. 
  • Praise God for who he is, what he has done and is going to do.
  • That people of no faith come to faith, that people of lost faith rediscover it, those with question and doubts surrounding faith see clearly and that people of faith are greatly encouraged and strengthened.
  • All the speakers 
  • People who are invited to tell something of 'their story and journey of faith'.
  • Those involved in the after schools sessions.
  • All plans and preparations.
  • For fine weather as we hope to be using a marquees - this is now urgent in view of the current rain and poor conditions on the field.
  • The team running the meetings for young people.


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh Lord, My son is so sad. He feels you have deserted him. Nothing I can say prevails. Lord, your word says, Ït is not right that man should live alone,"Father, I pray for my son Peter to meet the desire of his heart. Someone who will love and appreciate him, the way he does her. May she love you with all her heart and be a woman sanctified in you. I pray Lord for you to remove the anguish and hurt from Peter's soul over past relationships...
Bless him Lord, and show him your love and peace. In Jesus name. Amen.

Nicky Abram said...

Father Lord, may you bless our family. Fill us with faith, patience, respect and love. Help us keep away from temptations. Strengthen our relationship with one another.
Also Father, may you bless all families, fill them with love for you. Help parents to be fair and loving, give children a heart and understanding for their parents. In Jesus name. Amen

Nicky Abram said...

Please, join us in prayers for our brother David who has an inoperable brain tumor. God bless you.

Nicky Abram said...

Father God, as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, help us resist the materialism that surrounds us and takes us far from you. Instead, help us to manage our time to talk to you, to worship you and to sing your praise everyday. We ask you in Jesus-Christ's name. Amen

Nicky Abram said...

Father God, we thank you for your love, your blessings, your plan for our lives. You know what is best for us. You pick us up when we are at rock bottom. We praise you for ever and ever.

bamako said...

This website is very interesting. Jesus taught in John 13.34-5: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." A serious need for the Body of Christ especially in Canada USA where Christians are too busy, don't take time to invite people over, or to appreciate another's walk of faith.