Showing posts with label verses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label verses. Show all posts


Verses you may want to use when evangelising!

  • Jesus
  • Matthew 28:19–20: Jesus calls for people to make disciples of all nations 
  • 1 Corinthians 9:19–23: Paul says he became a servant to all people 
  • 2 Timothy 4:1–5: Paul instructs Timothy to preach the word and do the work of an evangelist 

  • Acts 1:8: We receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses for Jesus 

  • Romans 10:14: We cannot expect people to believe in someone they have never heard of

  • 18 Powerful Bible Verses About Evangelism | Breeze ChMS
    Breeze ChMS


The big challenge!

For I know the plans I have for you", 
declares the Lord,
 "plans to prosper you
 and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and
 a future."
 Jeremiah 29:1

"God is our refuge and strength, 
an ever present help in trouble."
 Psalm 46:1

Apology for not posting anything on Saturday. I find these two verses awesome. I only discovered the first one about 4 years ago; suddenly my whole life made sense. Reconciliation with my Father in Heaven has given me not only hope in a new life but a new life altogether. The story of David and other characters in the bible illustrate how well God helps his children and all who trust in him. If you have the opportunity to witness to others by telling them the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord when you hit difficult times, they may wish to know more about Him. 
Want to take part in this challenge? H for...


I will give you rest.. says Jesus, our Saviour.

C   Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matt.11:28

I hope that this beautiful promise made by Jesus, our redeemer,  is as real in your everyday life as in mine. Things never go as smoothly as you wish, at best things move at worst, they stop moving and disasters can strike..Whoever thinks that he/she can get out of sticky situations on their own strength are painfully mistaken. It is so easy to humble oneself and cry out to the Lord and ask Him for help. 
How then do we spread the word and bless our neighbours ? Memorising bible verses is definitely helpful . 
Join us in our A-Z challenge, let's memorise bible verses. Who will give us the letter D ?
Blessings. Your sister in Christ.


Join us in our exceptional A-Z challenge!

B     Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9  Thanks Crystal Mary!

Memorising verses can be a real challenge will you join me and spread the word?  Of course, you may know a few or more already. I confess that I will rely entirely on the help of our Lord to do so. . Have a blessed evening!