
Bringing the gospel to others at work...

Is it feasible? risky? Would you lose your job? Some time ago, I heard a minister saying that it was like being undercover. However I reckon the more you practice, the better you become! Easy said than done, you could answer! Have you tried?
God has put each one of us where we are for a purpose. If you are in a particular job, it is because God has put you there to reach others who work there.
I am now in the middle of chapter 4 of Authentic Christianity by Richard Taylor, an amazing book that I recommend!
Maybe you hate your job...maybe you feel that the people you are working with would be totally unreceptive to the Gospel...
I must say that those thoughts have come across my mind and brought frustration. Perseverance is a must, prayers are essential. Help from the Holy Spirit is vital. Blessings


PJ said...

Hey Nicky! I commend your daughter for doing what she's doing. Can you tell me the rate exchange from, I guess that L with the line through means pounds to American Dollars?

God Bless you for "training her up in the way she should go and she will not depart from it".

God Bless,

Nicky Abram said...

Hiya, thanks for your encouraging comment! Her best friend is going with her too. I believe that the rate is 1 $ = 0.60 pounds £ as I found this website http://www.dollars2pounds.com/
Have a blessed evening. x