
The calling of Moses and more...

Sunday 13th September 2020

Canticle - We praise you, O God. Click to view and download
Luke 1:68-79
Mark 1:9-12
Exodus 3:1-4:17
Philippians 1:3-11 - before the prayers
Psalm 16:1-11 - at the end

Representing God to bring Salvation - Exodus 3:1-4:17 & Mark 1:9-12 
This Old Testament passage is long and given that the flow and account is fairly self explanatory I am going to look at 4 things but not in the order as they appear in the text. The second point will be an attempt to highlight the whole passage with its almost ironic humour as well as its seriousness.
Last week the heading was - Saved to be Called, today:
Exodus 3:1-4:17 - Called to Speak 
1. Who is in the Bush? 3:2 & 5-7 
The angel of the Lord - v 2, or God and the Lord himself vv 3 & 5, and the rest of the passage?
Ask the simple question - who is the ultimate angel of the Lord given angel = messenger in both Hebrew and Greek? The son of God who we know since he was born as Jesus. I suggest, and I am going no further, we have another OT appearance of the eternal son of God, the true and ultimate messenger of the Lord.  
God is unchanging and here, in these verses, is a glimpse of that.
2. Arguing with God! 3:11-4:17 
Coleman's - the mustard people - once produced a little and amusing book of excuses. As we listen to Moses he really is mustard!  
In Isaiah when God is looking for someone to send to the people - Isaiah, effectively, puts his hand up to volunteer.
Moses puts his hands up and says - no way! What's more, he keeps it up until God is getting angry with him having answered it all and demonstrated his power, and given Moses, the authority to perform these signs and wonders.
The most hilarious bit is v [10]
Moses said to the LORD, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” What goes before suggests this isn't quite the case and certainly later on, with Pharaoh, it appears that he is the key spokesperson although Aaron seems to take that role earlier on. 
Who has he to go and speak to? Pharaoh. Who is Pharaoh? The King of Egypt and the most powerful man around, but, who else is he in all likelihood? Moses stepbrother who he sat next to having lessons with in the king's place and lived with until he fled aged 40, 40 years before.
They played scrabble as kids - ever tried that with tiles with hieroglyphics on - what he face is now is something that will end up as a master chess situation and certainly no game with high odds and thousands of lives and livelihoods at stake. For Moses all this may be deeply buried in his mind but maybe not!
Nope, says Moses, that's the wrong call. Yep, says the Lord, it's the call and off you go! 4:11-17. 

Do we argue with what God wants of us or even hide behind excuses? Do we try and neglect our God given gifts or fail to accept, which is part of what he says here to Moses in v 11, that he gives what is needed to do what he asks. When God truly calls he will always equip so we can do what he wants of us - not necessarily what others in a similar role may do.
As pride and arrogance about our abilities is no good so also is hiding them and being unduly modest!  Many are called to be evangelists but only one was called to the sort of ministry Billy Graham exercised.
Many are called to be bible teachers but few are called to be academics. We could go on. What does God want of you and your life be you younger or older? And I recall telling many an older saint who has worried about being physically inactive in service for the Lord that prayer is vital, use your time for prayer for the kingdom. Prayer against the darkness of evil in the world and the streets of it.
3. The name of the LORD 3:13-15 
What's in a name - nowadays not often a lot. Nicknames can carry significant meanings and descriptions but sadly may of those were unkind and destructive to the person concerned.
Abram = exalted father
Abraham = father of many
Isaac = he laughs
Malachi = my messenger ; Malach = angel = messenger
Jesus = Joshua = the Lord saves

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