
Jesus-Christ rebuked wind and waves!

My bible reading notes brought a new explanation to the passage in Matthew 8:23-27.

1- I just thought it was a normal storm, it wasn't because: 'the language used indicates that the lake was being stirred into a frenzy, threatening to overwhelm them totally' 

2 - I learnt a new cultural element, 'to the Jews, the sea represented primeval forces of chaos, the home of monsters, and it was only the saving power of God that could bring calm.'

3 - A new idea is offered, Jesus told his disciples off. 
How could they lose their faith in Him,  after all He has done (many healings and he'd just resurrected a widow's son in Nain)? 
Jesus could not have died in a storm in the middle of his messianic work. 

However it takes discipline to ban fear in my life and I don't think  that I have managed to get it right. 
I know that Jesus says 'Do not worry'... when I hear bad news or reports, I tend to worry first and then I'll give my worries to Jesus, on the foot of his cross. 

A prayer for this time of turmoil
Father God, You are Love. 
We know through your Word that you are in charge and we put our trust in  you. 
We thank you for Jesus, our Saviour who walked on the earth to let us know about your awesome plan of redemption for us, your creatures. 
Father, Jesus obeyed you and died an awful death on the cross for us even though He was sinless. 
Father, we repent of our sins and we declare that the body and blood of Jesus made a sacrifice that satisfied God once and for all. Thank you that our sins are forgiven and blotted out forever. Keep us on the right path, guided by the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, help us in this time of turmoil! Save the lost sheep and the rebellious ones. We call on You, our King and we ask you to heal all those who are ill or wounded, and heal our Land and the nations. 
Give wisdom to all the leaders of the countries and open the eyes of their hearts that they may hear your voice and see your Glory.
 We ask You in the name of Jesus. 

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