
Obeying Christ!

2 Corinthians 10:5 New International Version (NIV)

We demolish arguments
every pretension 
that sets itself up
 against the knowledge of God,
we take captive
 every thought
 to make it obedient to Christ.

Dear friends, I hope that you are having a lovely day. It's very hot here in Civray (Vienne) as the forecast announced it. We've just had lunch and about to go for a walk at our friends'house to water their garden while they are away in Portugal. 
You may wonder why I have highlighted this verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5. Though I've had to check where it belonged, I keep my 'sanity' thanks to that verse. In effect, among the thousands thoughts that invade our conscious mind every day, quite a few are annoying and we must not dwell on them for fear or being dragged to the bottom of a pit. This verse gives us authority to counteract the plan of the evil one so we can stay on the narrow path and listen to the Holy Spirt without being either distracted or dejected. Does it happen to you sometimes? We must be ready to 'analyse' 'every thought' and decide it they are contrary to the will of God and get rid of them with the help of the Holy Spirit who is by our side! All glory to our Lord who cares for us and whose love is unfathomable! 

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