18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Thanksgiving to the Lord!
Praise be to the Lord. I am counting my blessings one by one and my cup overflows. Our heavenly Father is looking after us and I am so grateful for our life! Thank you Jesus for your immense Love. Thank you for being patient with us.Thank you for meeting all our needs.Thank you for adopting us in your family.
10 + things to do if you and your children are bored during the holidays
Why don't you...take the time to check who JESUS really was! Check out the truth of the gospels. Take some steps of faith!
Listen in to Jesus' Parables
- Begin a new life with God i.e. read this New Testament that you took back home (last hols in Devon)
- Ask a question i.e. find a vicar and ask him/her those questions about life that keep bothering you...
- Give to the homeless
Pray for a friend
Light a light
Throw away a stone
Look at the cross
Get with creation
Visit a church
Follow a prayer recipe What is praying? something complex? not at all
Don't worry Jesus himself gives us this advice!
Make a "why God ? " list
Join a local church course
Pray for an enemy
Give up something that matters
Repent! I did and I felt so much better
Forgive someone and start anew
Inspired by the rejesus website, click here and your life will be turned uspside down for the better! Don't forget to let us know how you got on! N.
#The Holy Spirit,
God's love letter,
good news,
origin of life,
Who am I ?
Right, I was on twitter, mainly to read some comments on Matthew 11:28-30. However I got distracted so it gives me great pleasure to share with you this video-clip. Powerful and to the point! Does it touch you too? Are you fed up of wanting to please others for instance? Are we defined by our successes or our failures? Let me know if you are enjoying it too!
A word of encouragement tonight
Galatians 6:9-10
10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Can we get tired of doing good? Paul must have thought so and he provides us with this encouragement. Relationships are so precious that you try not to fall out with anybody. However, at times, it is going to be difficult since our friends may not like what we say to them. So we must ask the Holy Spirit to help us, to guide us, and let him speak through us.
When I used to live in the Isle of Man, I was out for a walk with a group of friends and we all had our children with us. I remember that my friend (who happened to be the pastor's wife) noticed that my youngest daughter was ignoring me and not following any instructions I was saying. So she told me and added that I should be stricter with her. She was right of course but at the time it upset me. When I look back on those days before I knew Jesus, I thought that I was good even when all the evidence pointed at me being a 'fool' (as in the Proverbs)..I also was completely blind. Still the awesome reality was that the Lord loved me then and my friend was helping me. Now, Jesus loved us so much that he was obedient to his Father and died on the cross for us. He showed us the way so let us persevere and keep loving others no matter what even if it's hard at times (!) Have a blessed evening.
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