
Messy church? Hurray!

I managed to leave work rather early today after having made plan to meet Imo at M & S cafeteria. I rang her to let her know that I was coming. 
Sadly she'd decided to walk to the gym and meet her friend there..
So I went home straight away and popped in Weston village hall where there was Messy Church.
I am so glad I had the opportunity to do so. The village hall was pretty busy with children involved in all kind of craft in a friendly and happy ambiance.  Many parents were there enjoying a drink and biscuits, having a joyful chatter with other mums and dads. If you would like to read my previous post on messy church click here!

Tonight, I would like to share with you a new song I found on youtube. I hope that you will like it. Have a blessed Thursday! N.

We are a moment, You are forever 

Lord of the Ages, God before time 
We are a vapor, You are eternal 
Love everlasting, reigning on high 


Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty 
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain 
Highest praises, honor and glory 
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name 

We are the broken, You are the healer 
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save 
You are the love song we'll sing forever 
Bowing before You, blessing Your name 


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

We have been singing this song in our church for ages...and I love it so much. Church and the church family are so special. I am currently in Bible College which I am blessed, is being held in our church offices. I will commence a new ministry within the church when I graduate. Blessings and love Crystal xx

Nicky Abram said...

Dear Crystal, thanks for commenting. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your degree. Have a blessed week-end. Love xx