
Le Seigneur nous protège!

Psaumes 34: 4

4J'ai cherché l'Éternel, et il m'a répondu; il m'a délivré de toutes mes peurs.

Psaumes 34:17

17Les justes crient, et l'Éternel les entend; il les délivre de tous leurs ennuis.

Psaumes 94:19

19 Quand l'anxiété était grande en moi, votre consolation m'a apporté de la joie.

Psaumes 138: 8

8L'Éternel me confirmera; ton amour, SEIGNEUR, dure à jamais - n'abandonne pas les œuvres de tes mains.

Romains 8: 38-39

38 Car je suis convaincu que ni la mort ni la vie, ni les anges ni les démons, ni le présent ni l'avenir, ni aucune puissance, 39 ni la hauteur ni la profondeur, ni rien d'autre dans toute la création, ne pourront nous séparer de l'amour de Dieu qui est en Christ Jésus notre Seigneur.

Proverbes 3: 5-6

5 Ayez confiance en l'Éternel de tout votre cœur et ne vous appuyez pas sur votre propre intelligence; 6 de toutes vos voies, soumettez-vous à lui, et il rendra vos chemins droits.

Jérémie 17: 7-8

7 «Mais béni est celui qui a confiance en l'Éternel, dont la confiance est en lui. 8Ils seront comme un arbre planté par l'eau qui envoie ses racines par le ruisseau. Il n'a pas peur quand la chaleur arrive; ses feuilles sont toujours vertes. Il n’a aucune inquiétude en une année de sécheresse et ne manque jamais de porter ses fruits. »

Luc 1: 35-37

35L'ange répondit: «Le Saint-Esprit viendra sur vous, et la puissance du Très-Haut vous éclipsera. Ainsi, le saint à naître sera appelé le Fils de Dieu. 36 Même Elizabeth, votre parent, va avoir un enfant dans sa vieillesse, et celle dont on dit qu'elle est incapable de concevoir en est à son sixième mois. 37 Car aucune parole de Dieu n’échouera jamais. »

Philippiens 4: 6-7

6 Ne vous inquiétez de rien, mais dans chaque situation, par la prière et la pétition, avec action de grâces, présentez vos demandes à Dieu. 7 Et la paix de Dieu, qui transcende toute compréhension, gardera vos cœurs et vos esprits en Christ Jésus.


What is NAR?

Last week, a few of our brothers and sisters mentioned the NAR as none of us heard about this acronyme,
 I found a clear explanation and this is  in this article What is the NAR ?  The article will open in a new window
Brothers and sisters, have a blessed Sunday in Jesus'name Amen


Why should we pray for revival for France!

Why should you pray for revival?Specifically, we invite you to pray for revival! Make this day, 28 May a day of prayer and fasting for revival. Pray and fast as the Lord and His Spirit leads you. Make it the beginning of your committed prayers and fasting for Revival!

Why should you pray for revival?

Revival is an in-breaking of God’s kingdom into our broken and suffering world with the grace, mercy and love of God and reorders our lives, reorders our church, and transforms the world so it will be never the same again! Revival humbles many and saves many! That’s why you should pray for revival! Here are some suggestions how to pray and what to pray for. These are only a few, add your owns as the Spirit leads you.

  • Pray for revival, pray for God’s power to be manifest around us and in us, making us faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)! We, humans have got power and ability to do great things, achieve amazing feats, but our power and abilities have been corrupted by sinfulness and we can never achieve and do what God can do in the world! Pray for Holy Spirit to be poured out in greater measure into your life, into our church family!
  • Pray for revival, pray for a great awakening (Acts 3:19-20). We have become so sleepy towards God, not just towards sermons! Pray to be awakened, refreshed to the full majesty and glory of God, as Isaiah did (Isaiah 6:1-8)!
  • Pray for revival, pray for the salvation of people around you, in your home, workplace, in our schools, hospitals, police stations, shops, neighbourhood, and not forgetting the church! A revived church is noticed by others, and they will ask the questions: What does this mean? What shall we do? (Acts 2:122:37), which brings them to faith in Jesus! Pray that Jesus will be lifted up in our lives as a church family, He will be honoured, and people will be drawn to him!

Revival is an in-breaking of God’s kingdom into our broken and suffering world with the grace, mercy and love of God and reorders our lives, reorders our church, and transforms the world so it will be never the same again! Revival humbles many and saves many! That’s why you should pray for revival! Here are some suggestions how to pray and what to pray for. These are only a few, add your owns as the Spirit leads you.

  • Pray for revival, pray for God’s power to be manifest around us and in us, making us faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)! We, humans have got power and ability to do great things, achieve amazing feats, but our power and abilities have been corrupted by sinfulness and we can never achieve and do what God can do in the world! Pray for Holy Spirit to be poured out in greater measure into your life, into our church family!
  • Pray for revival, pray for a great awakening (Acts 3:19-20). We have become so sleepy towards God, not just towards sermons! Pray to be awakened, refreshed to the full majesty and glory of God, as Isaiah did (Isaiah 6:1-8)!
  • Pray for revival, pray for the salvation of people around you, in your home, workplace, in our schools, hospitals, police stations, shops, neighbourhood, and not forgetting the church! A revived church is noticed by others, and they will ask the questions: What does this mean? What shall we do? (Acts 2:122:37), which brings them to faith in Jesus! Pray that Jesus will be lifted up in our lives as a church family, He will be honoured, and people will be drawn to him!


Jesus at the feast of booths

John 7

After this Jesus went about in Galilee. He would not go about in Judea, because the Jews[a] were seeking to kill him. Now the Jews' Feast of Booths was at hand. So his brothers[b] said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.” For not even his brothers believed in him. 
Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always here. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil. You go up to the feast. I am not[c] going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come.” After saying this, he remained in Galilee.

10 But after his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not publicly but in private. 11 The Jews were looking for him at the feast, and saying, “Where is he?” 12 And there was much muttering about him among the people. While some said, “He is a good man,” others said, “No, he is leading the people astray.” 13 Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.

14 About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and began teaching. 15 The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How is it that this man has learning,[d] when he has never studied?” 16 So Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me. 17 If anyone's will is to do God's[e] will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. 18 The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. 19 Has not Moses given you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill me?” 20 The crowd answered, “You have a demon! Who is seeking to kill you?” 21 Jesus answered them, “I did one work, and you all marvel at it. 22 Moses gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. 23 If on the Sabbath a man receives circumcision, so that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because on the Sabbath I made a man's whole body well? 24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Can This Be the Christ?

25 Some of the people of Jerusalem therefore said, “Is not this the man whom they seek to kill? 26 And here he is, speaking openly, and they say nothing to him! Can it be that the authorities really know that this is the Christ? 27 But we know where this man comes from, and when the Christ appears, no one will know where he comes from.” 28 So Jesus proclaimed, as he taught in the temple, “You know me, and you know where I come from. But I have not come of my own accord. He who sent me is true, and him you do not know. 29 I know him, for I come from him, and he sent me.” 30 So they were seeking to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come. 31 Yet many of the people believed in him. They said, “When the Christ appears, will he do more signs than this man has done?”

Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus

32 The Pharisees heard the crowd muttering these things about him, and the chief priests and Pharisees sent officers to arrest him. 33 Jesus then said, “I will be with you a little longer, and then I am going to him who sent me. 34 You will seek me and you will not find me. Where I am you cannot come.” 35 The Jews said to one another, “Where does this man intend to go that we will not find him? Does he intend to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks? 36 What does he mean by saying, ‘You will seek me and you will not find me,’ and, ‘Where I am you cannot come’?”

Rivers of Living Water

37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as[f] the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Division Among the People

40 When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Is the Christ to come from Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” 43 So there was a division among the people over him. 44 Some of them wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him.

45 The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?” 46 The officers answered, “No one ever spoke like this man!” 47 The Pharisees answered them, “Have you also been deceived? 48 Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? 49 But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.” 50 Nicodemus, who had gone to him before, and who was one of them, said to them, 51 “Does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and learning what he does?” 52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee too? Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.”


With Jesus came a new covenant ...


HEBREWS 8: 6-9 and more.

6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. 8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. KJV


Use your gifts!

If you're an encourager, encourage, if you're 

Luke 5:17-26

Spiritual Bread-Fast 16/11/23

with Jude and Sope Emelifeonwu 

Luke 5:17-26 

17 On one of the days while Jesus was teaching, some proud religious law-keepers and teachers of the Law were sitting by Him. They had come from every town in the countries of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem. The power of the Lord was there to heal them. 18 Some men took a man who was not able to move his body to Jesus. He was carried on a bed. They looked for a way to take the man into the house where Jesus was. 19 But they could not find a way to take him in because of so many people. They made a hole in the roof over where Jesus stood. Then they let the bed with the sick man on it down before Jesus. 20 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

21 The teachers of the Law and the proud religious law-keepers thought to themselves, “Who is this Man Who speaks as if He is God? Who can forgive sins but God only?” 22 Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said to them, “Why do you think this way in your hearts? 23 Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or, ‘Get up and walk’?

24 “So that you may know the Son of Man has the right and the power on earth to forgive sins,” He said to the man who could not move his body, “I say to you, get up. Take your bed and go to your home.” 25 At once the sick man got up in front of them. He took his bed and went to his home thanking God. 26 All those who were there were surprised and gave thanks to God, saying, “We have seen very special things today.”

God sent men determined to succeed. God will raise men with determination to see you succeed!
These guys opened up the roof . Your sins are forgiven. Jesus make room for you, we must go up to the roof ! ...


Today, I read the story of Samson!

It is found in Judges 13. It's not one my favourite passages in the Old testament though every time I read it, it's clearer in my mind! As i was looking for a commentary, I came across this study on David  Johnathan Inc website. 

The angel of the Lord appears to the wife of Manoah promising that she will conceive and bear a son who must be set apart to God from the moment of his birth. Manoah asks to see the angel of the Lord who does repeat the instructions that He gave his wife : abstain from wine and refrain from having his hair cut....

Have you ever considered that the ministry of the Holy Spirit in Old Testament days was temporary and occasional: the Spirit of God moved Samson at times in the camp of Dan” (13:25, AV). 

How reassuring that in the New Testament times, His ministry is not temporary but permanent, not occasional but continuous. Hallelujah!

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever—the Spirit of truth…” (John 14:16-17, NIV)

What about you brothers and sis, what do you think of this story of Samson?

Love is patient!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

1. Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of family. Thank You for my parents, siblings, husband, wife, children, and every member of our family. I give You praise and glorify Your name for making me a member of my present family. I express my profound gratitude for Your wisdom and commit myself to love You and others, in Jesus' name.
2. Today, O LORD, I stand in the authority in the name of Jesus and bind every spirit of discord, bitterness, and resentment in my family. I declare that we will walk in unity and understanding, extending grace and forgiveness to one another. By the power of your Holy Spirit, Father, I release a spirit of patience and kindness within our family dynamics, in Jesus' name.
3. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out any spirit of envy or jealousy that may try to infiltrate our hearts. I declare that we will celebrate and support one another's successes, knowing that your blessings upon one are blessings upon all. I release a spirit of genuine joy and contentment in our family, in Jesus' name.
4. I break the stronghold of pride and self-centeredness in my family. I declare that, from today on, we will honor and value each family member. We will put the needs of others above our own. We receive a spirit of humility and servanthood among us, in Jesus' name.
5. I bind and command every spirit of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness to leave our family in the name of Jesus. I declare that we will choose forgiveness and let go of past hurts. By the power of Christ's love, I release a spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, and emotional healing in our family, in Jesus' name.
6. I stop any evil spirit of harm or division from entering our family. I release a spirit of unity, security, and unconditional love within our family lineage. I declare that we will protect and cherish one another; we will create a safe and nurturing environment where love thrives and where everyone finds their purpose, in Jesus' name.
7. Father, I declare an increase in trust and loyalty within our family. I bind every spirit of doubt and suspicion and release a spirit of trust and faithfulness among us. By your power, I release a deepening of the bonds of trust and reliance upon one another, in Jesus' name.
8. May the spirit of hope and optimism for the future possess every member of my family. I bind every spirit of discouragement and negativity. I declare that we will believe and support one another's dreams and aspirations, in Jesus' name.
9. Father, grant us the grace and wisdom to persevere and overcome challenges that try to tear us apart. Release a spirit of resilience and determination upon us. Teach us teamwork and support because we are stronger together, in Jesus' name.
10. Thank You, LORD, for the abounding love you have poured into me and everyone in my family. By your authority, I declare that your love will be a guiding force in all that we do. Your love will bind us together. Your love will flow through us, transforming our relationships and bringing glory to your name, in Jesus' name.
Love is the cornerstone of a thriving family. When there is love, we create an environment where trust, respect, and unity flourish. Love is not merely an emotion but a choice — an intentional commitment to prioritize the well-being and happiness of our family members. Meditate on how we can embody the qualities of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 in our interactions with our family.
1. Pray for God's love to permeate every aspect of your family's life. Ask God to fill your hearts with His unconditional love and to help you demonstrate that love to one another.
2. Pray for love and understanding to abound between family members. Ask God to cultivate a spirit of patience, kindness, and humility within your family relationships.
3. Pray for God's grace to heal any broken relationships within your family. Ask God to bring reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration where there may be hurt or division.
1. Do you have a specific need in your family? Share in the comments, and I will join you in prayer.
2. Share this prayer to bless others.
Something good is on your way.
Dr. Daniel Okpara | Daniel Okpara | Light Bearer | Shining Light Christian Centre


There is power in your name!

Mitch Wong
God we believe, God we believe
You are the way when there seems to be no way
God we are trusting you

I am the light of the world!

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

I Am the Light of the World (John 8:12)

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


You Are My Refuge

You Are My Refuge

A Maskil[a] of David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer.

142 With my voice I cry out to the Lord;
    with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord.
I pour out my complaint before him;
    I tell my trouble before him.

When my spirit faints within me,
    you know my way!
In the path where I walk
    they have hidden a trap for me.
Look to the right and see:
    there is none who takes notice of me;
no refuge remains to me;
    no one cares for my soul.

I cry to you, O Lord;
    I say, “You are my refuge,
    my portion in the land of the living.”
Attend to my cry,
    for I am brought very low!
Deliver me from my persecutors,
    for they are too strong for me!
Bring me out of prison,
    that I may give thanks to your name!
The righteous will surround me,
    for you will deal bountifully with me.



The reign of King Solomon!

1 King 11:42

The reign of King Solomon is a rather bittersweet one. Here he was, the wisest man who had ever lived, ruling over a powerful, wealthy nation at peace, yet the evidence that we glean from Scripture is that his forty-year reign was the prelude to disaster. As Solomon breathes his last breath, the kingdom is poised on the brink of rebellion because of heavy taxation and forced labor (see I Kings 9:20-2212:1-5); his heir, Rehoboam, is proud and listens only to his foolish friends (see I Kings 12:6-11); and God has been shunted aside to share glory with a menagerie of other deities (see what happened in Israel immediately after his reign; I Kings 12:25-33).

The Bible provides us both sides of the coin of Solomon's time on the throne of Israel. He presided over Israel's Golden Age and the building of the Temple and a grand palace for the royal family (see I Kings 4:20—8:66). The Queen of Sheba and countless others visited Jerusalem to gaze on the wonders collected there by the king and to hear his wisdom firsthand (see I Kings 4:29-3410:1-13). Scripture informs us that gold and silver were as common in Israel's capital as baser metals were elsewhere (I Kings 10:14-23II Chronicles 9:27). Solomon was so strong and the nations around were so weak that no one dared disturb the peace of the time (except at the very end of his reign; I Kings 11:14-40).

But the underside of the coin is far darker. Though Solomon had been humble as a young man, asking God for understanding so that he could properly rule and judge his people, his pride soon led him to disobedience. He began to flout the instructions given by God through Moses to Israel's kings (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). He made alliances with foreign nations, particularly Egypt, marrying hundreds of domestic and foreign princesses to cement these ties (I Kings 11:1-3). Of course, these women brought their own gods and goddesses to worship, and it was not long before Solomon was honoring their wishes to have various shrines and "high places" built to house their idols (see I Kings 11:4-8).

As usually happens, when the people saw that Solomon had compromised with idolatry, they followed suit, visiting the ancient groves and hilltop altars that had lain unfrequented but not forgotten.  Solomon's reign set an unfortunate standard for most of the kings of Judah who followed him, and the people sank deeper into lifestyles contrary to the law of God.

The number forty is frequently a biblical indication of testing. Solomon received forty years from God to see if he would follow His ways or not. 

The book of Ecclesiastes indicates that, perhaps at the end of his life, Solomon made an effort to repent—or at least he realized that, in the end, it is a person's chief duty to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). We really do not know if he passed or failed his test, but we can learn a great lesson from the forty years of his wonderful, terrible reign.

Richard T. Ritenbaugh