by K.P. Yohannan
The truth is that when I ordered that book I had no idea what it was about. In this book, K.P.Yohannan explores how we are to submit to God in all aspects of our life. I also liked the prayer at the end of each chapter. This book is riveting, well written, deep and thorough, full of pertinent exemples, Bible quotations and humour too.
The introduction is straigth to the point, very powerful. ...These followers of the Lamb have a distinct mark about them: Submission.
In chapter 1, KPY explains that the Lord has 'established order and peace for mankind through authority and submission to authority. Adam disobeyed the Lord's first command and we have the desire to resist authority. Of course if you are a parent or work in education you already know that children say 'no' quicker than 'yes'.
He quotes Romans 13:2 Consequently he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Now I can think of many occurences in my life when I rebelled instead of surrendering.
'During his whole life...Jesus lived in submission to those who had authority over Him' p 27
I must resist telling you more about it.
This book has been a real blessing as it has stopped me from 'rebelling' instinctively. Where at work, I would at times express concern about decisions made by the bosses, I don't any longer. It has stopped me from feeling downhearted and upset as I know that the Lord is totally in control.
Finally, you can order it direct from Gospel for Asia website, http://www.gfa.org/